Thursday, April 06, 2006

I wonder if there's any truth... the talk the Katie Holmes' pregnancy is fake. This photo has been posted in several sites (copied it off one myself):

From this angle, it does look like a strange belly. I've been pregnant, and many people told me that I had a bigger tummy than most, but I don't think it ever looked like this (correct me if I'm wrong, girls). And also, I've never really seen a pregnant woman whose tummy bulged out the way Katie's does (at least in this picture). In the past, I've seen some collage of how her tummy has grown over the past few months, and there are some shots where her tummy looked huge one time, and then small the next.

Oh well, why do I care, right? I think I've become skeptical of anything that's related to Tom Cruise. The recent story about his father being a bully and a bad dad couldn't have come at a better time (MI:3 promotion). Now he's sure to get a lot of publicity.

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